Meet Roger Gonzalez & Zombie Land Long Island

481989_10151563110755336_1509489675_nName: Roger Gonzalez

What is your current project?

As an actor I am now working with BroadwayWorld best director, James Bonney and Best actor, Sean King on a really funny and well written web series called “Zombie Land Long Island.” It’s not about the kind of zombies you think, but rather about people who act and walk around your life like zombies… dead-like, lost, eating everything in its path. I have a recurring role and also help out with cinematography and marketing. Otherwise, my website is absorbed now in theatre festival season. So that’s a lot right there.

Where are you performing it and why is it the right fit for your piece?

Zombie Land New York is being produced in Smithtown and the setting is Long Island. We are in rehearsals right now. To me its a perfect fit because I have never worked with a director like Bonney. What we do in terms of real character creation is incredible to experience. He really pushes us and just being able to create my character, Martinez, is a joy. We are always laughing and the comedy seems so real and not pushed or feigned. Or acted. Martinez was originally written as this character Mangano, so I am quite thrilled that they allowed me to make him more mine.

What’s next for you?

I’ve been working on a one man play about my dreams and have been developing it with the help of Artistic New Directions. Now I have the summer to finish a draft and present it. Dreams (the actual night time REM variety) are a big part of my life and my family’s life…so its been fun.

Who is your biggest inspiration right at this moment and why?
On one level, and I know this might some corny to some, Deepak Chopra. I’ve re-engaged with his work and realized how much of my life centers around his work. It’s serendipity that at this stage in my life I make this realization. BUT my always inspiration in life has always been my four kids. I want to leave them as much as I can in life and I always think of them to motivate and inspire.



I am an ethnically ambiguous actor (couldn’t resist!), artist, marketing teacher who has been in media for over 20 years and I currently run A NY native, I have been involved in theatre and the arts since I first appeared onstage in school at the age of 5.

Zombie Land Long Island premieres in September 2016. Right now you can find images and updates on our new Facebook,
